lunes, agosto 27, 2007

and this is why, I love NYC!

Buddakann NYC
75 9th Ave., New York, NY 10011
(Make reservations early!)

This trip was primarily to celebrate Mar's 25th anniversary. A nice cool dinner and a club were planned for Friday night. We went to an awesome awesome restaurant in the Soho area called Buddakann...

Please, visit:

It's modern asian cusine, with a kick-ass lounge with good cocktails. In the table next to us, there were 3 guys and a girl who started talking to us. To be honest, we weren't very friendly at the beginning, but after a while we we like: "whatever"... so, since it was Mar's b-day, the guys asked for champagne and a nice cake for her. Three other guys showed up, they were arriving from London just to spend the night in NYC and party party party. By the end of dinner, these guys payed for all our bill and another bottle of Dom Peri... very nice, lol.

After that, somehow, we were inside a limo going to a nightclub. Can't remember the name of the club... but what i do remember are the more and more bottles of Dom Peri entering to our table and the good all mighty, vodka. After that, we went to one guy's place to keep on partying... the place was a 3 story condo in Soho, decorated as if Philip Stark would live in there... awesome DJ table (the guys is an ex-DJ) and more drinks to go. After sometime...we just took a cab to our hotel... we don't know the names, professions or even why they were that cool with us...we weren't asked for anything in return... we just had fun... these kind of things only happen in Manhattan...



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